General Pet safety for Dogs Cats and Birds

I have been caring for your pets for more than twenty five years as a Zoo Keeper, an Animal Services Officer, Veterinary Technician and a professional pet sitter with an Associate of Science degree in Animal Science.


  • Never let your pet outside without you holding  one end of a leash with your pet secure in a harness on  the other end, except in a fenced yard. This  rule should be followed regardless of your pets level of training. A harness is  a more secure option than a collar.  Remember you can control your actions, but you can not control the actions of others that may harm your pet. Think about the cars speeding and dogs running loose.
  • Always have your pets identification tags attached to their collar or harness
  • Never let your cats run free. There are too many hazards they can not defend themselves against; e.g. raccoons , cars, coyotes and other cats to name just a few.
  • If you have a puppy never leave them unattended except in their crate. They are too prone to eating things that would harm them. When you put your puppy in their crate always remove their collar first so their is no risk of entanglement. When you have your puppy out of the crate watch them carefully to make sure they do not eat things they shouldn’t. Provide them with appropriate size toys designed for them and made in the U.S.A. that they can not ingest.
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  • This would be an example: Why should I not let my dog run outside as long as I am there supervising?
  • I encourage you to post comments that are relevant to the discussion, but please, only leave relevant comments. Please don’t buy a family member. ADOPT! Prefer a particular breed? Contact a purebreed rescue group. like these The American Kennel Club
    The Bulldog club of America
    The American German Shepherd Rescue Association or contact me at and I will be happy to help you.
    I wish you and your dog many happy years together. Contact me I will be happy to help you.Spend time with your pet/family member daily and you will be rewarded ten fold!