I have been caring for your pets for more than twenty five years as a Zoo Keeper, an Animal Services Officer, Veterinary Technician and a professional pet sitter with an Associate of Science degree in Animal Science. I have seen well intentioned people bring home a beautiful new puppy only to mourn his or her death from ingesting toxic plants or objects.
Puppies are very orally oriented. That means they like to mouth EVERYTHING including things that are not safe for them. Before you bring them home you should look around both your home and yard and remove as many hazards as possible including toxic plants, you can find a list of toxic plants here http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/poison-control/plants/ Even after removing toxic plants you should not allow your puppy to chew on any plants. Also make sure any containers of chemicals or hazardous objects are removed or out of your puppy’s reach.Coco bark mulch has become the subject of concern recently, but you should not only keep your puppy from mouthing coco bark mulch, but all mulch and anything else that is not intended for a puppy. You need to be hyper-vigilant when bringing home your new family member. You absolutely must supervise them at all times when they are not crated or in a puppy-proof room. Even when your puppy is on a leash they are going to try to mouth anything they can. Keep them on a short non-retractable leash that will not allow them to wander. You should be prepared if your puppy or any dog for that matter should put something in their mouth that may be harmful to them. DO NOT try to remove the object from their mouth immediately. First make an abrupt sound like AH AH! To distract them then offer them a treat which you have previously determined they like better than any other. This will let you trade the hazard for the treat. Be sure to pick up and remove the object after they drop it. You should also keep the ASPCA Poison Control Center telephone number 888-426-4435, your veterinarians phone number and your veterinary emergency clinic’s phone number immediately available, you can do this by putting the numbers on your refrigerator. Ask each of the clinics and the poison control center if they have their information on a magnet.
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Other pet parents never thought it would happen to them. Whether your puppy is in Florida or somewhere else you can take steps to insure your puppies safety.
I encourage you to post comments that are relevant to the discussion, but please, only leave comments that are pertinent to the topic.
If you have any suggestions as to how the process can be improved I’m all ears. Please let me know your suggestions.
Please don’t buy a family member. ADOPT! Prefer a particular breed? Contact a rescue group. like these
Florida Pit Bull Rescue http://pitbull.rescueme.org/Florida
The American German Shepherd Rescue Association or contact me , and I will be happy to help you.
I wish you and your dog many happy years together. Contact me I will be happy to help you.
Wow man, this is really nice information, thanks.
My buddy and I have been just talking about this specific issue, she actually is continually wanting to prove me wrong! I am about to show her this write-up not to mention rub it in a little!
As a new pet owner I recognize the value of all the important information listed here. I really want my dog to get properly trained and have a healthy and balanced setting to live in. Bless you for the advice.
I appreciate your comments. Glad to be able to help you care for your companions.
I’m impressed!!! Really informative blog post here my friend. I just wanted to comment & say keep up the quality work. I’ve bookmarked your blog just now and I’ll be back to read more in the future my friend! Also nice colors on the layout it goes well with the blog in my humble opinion 🙂
If the background is obscured check with your computer adviser. Site works fine with most systems.
Good recommendations on dogs. I own an 8 yr old golden retriever and I love him to death. Will come back for sure! .